Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rrrrufles Have Ridges!

What about ruffles? I would like to know what the public’s opinion is about ruffles. Some people think that ruffles are created to hide flaws (but hey, aren’t clothes designed to hide flaws?) Do you think they are there to cover up a problem area? Personally, I am a fan. I think that ruffles add that certain “gen es se qua” to the outfit. It doesn’t even have to hide a problem area; it just needs to add something to the garment that it was lacking. In my current collection, I had a bright blue cocktail dress. It was cute enough, but pain; it was missing something. The dress needed a tweak, so I added a leopard print ruffle to it. ADORABLE! I cannot get enough of this dress. I took it off my model, put it in my car, and swore that I would wear it again. What did I do? Wear it two times in one weekend. (shhh! Don’t tell anyone that I am an outfit repeater, there were two separate groups of people!) All I’m saying is that this is a trend I will not be running from.  I know that ruffles are not for everyone. It is a very girly look. It sort of screams “Hey I’m an outfit!” and not everyone is into that. Ruffles can be abused. This is definitely a trend that needs to be used in moderation.
Tread lightly toward this trend fashion friends… if it suits you!

1 comment:

  1. I love that dress, Lauren!!!! I want one!
    I definitely loooove ruffles, and I love that they are big this season, because it is much easier to find clothes with them. Your blog is great! Keep it up!
