Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mother Hen

Parenthood and clothes making: two seemingly opposite professions; yet, when these two are more closely examined, they can be eerily similar. Now everyone needs to know that I am not, and have never been a mother… at least not yet. However, I do have an adorable nephew that I would jump in front of a train for, and I have another niece or nephew on the way that will be my godchild. If I love my own children as much as I love these two, I should be a pretty good mother. Motherhood is exhausting, as I am sure many of you know, and a lot of the time, you may want to throw your hands up and exclaim, “I quit!” You may feel at times like you are screwing up your child, and he or she will never be the same again. But the other half of the time, motherhood is amazing. The since of accomplishment you receive from the need and love of your children is so overwhelmingly beautiful that it could make you want to cry. So how does designing and garment making tie into rearing a child you ask? Well, My clothes can be considered my children. I mother these clothes with sweat and yes… blood, and a whole lot of tears! Sometimes I feel like I want to give up because the clothes will never turn out the way I want, and other people will definitely judge the “rearing” of my clothes and me. Then things seem to turn around for my clothes and me. Some sort of divine intervention happens, as it can in motherhood, and I end up doing something right. I pull out a bag of tricks form God knows where, and a masterpiece appears in front of me causing me to wonder, “Did I do this? Did I really make this?” I become so attached to my clothes that turned out to be so beautiful, and I don’t want to let them go. Mothers, you are doing a great job with your children, you have the hardest and most stressful job in the world. Lets keep raising our children weather these kids are people or garments. Run on fashion mothers, run on!

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